This is a dream I had just last week... I shared with with a few already but I was so encouraged I thought I would post it as it is a part of our journey. It was so awesome since I never remember my dreams and this one was so clear I could actually recall the details and write it down! This dream was a great reminder of where our trust lies and to live in that...where the Lord guides, He provides!....I was so comforted.
I was driving down Park Street, near our home on a beautiful summer day and just as I crossed the railroad tracks, I slowed down to take note of a very large and festive celebration taking place in the park, adjacent to Victory Faith Fellowship.
For some reason I was drawn to the crowd, I needed to see what all the hoopla was about. As I turned onto the cross street and pulled up to park parallel to the chain link fence surrounding the parks open field, I notice a banner hanging there front the fence....
I got out of the car, headed toward the opening in the fence and red the banner;
" We need $91,000 to build our new community pool area - Come help us celebrate and give thanks for what the Lord is going to do!"
I was stunned and thrilled to see such a crowd gathered for this bold statement of faith and celebrating as if it was already "the grand opening"...but there was nothing there but a large green field.
As I turned to walk through the gate into the park I was approached by a man, he was all smiles and he reached out both hands to greet me.
"Welcome, welcome!" he exclaimed. He proceeded to ask me my name and then asked "So what is God doing in your life?"
Thinking I had never been asked a bolder question, I gave my response saying, "Well, my husband and I are going to adopt a child from China." The man ( whose name I didn't get) just beamed with joy...so much so that he seemed to be utterly glowing! The man then said, "Oh, then Praise the Lord! It appears you need for God to provide for you too!", he invited me to spend the day with everyone saying "Join us and give thanks with us for all that He is doing to do in our lives!"
I was so filled with hope and joy I didn't even try to make an excuse as to why I didn't want to spend the day with all these strangers...so I happily found myself a folding chair and opened it up in a sunny spot just outside the main crowd. I sat down, looking over the festivities, noticing how happy and joyful everyone was, how happy and joyful I was! The sky was so blue and the grass was so green. As i took in the clean air, I thought indeed, this is a great place for a pool! It was then I met the gaze of a grey poodle with one of those fancy hairdos...it was grinning at me from ear to ear...and I smiled back. Accepting my invitation, it trotted over and sat down next to me in the sun.
And there we sat....the dogs fur was silky soft and the sun felt so warm on my skin. Everything was so right, I felt at home with my heart, with my needs and my hopes, in fact, I had never felt more at peace, nor had I ever seen a more perfect day.
The sun felt so much warmer and comforting than I remembered feeling before and then I realized, it was coming from the inside!
Then I heard my husbands voice... "Laura, Your running late, you'd better get up."
And that, is how I started my day today! (Wednesday, February 25)