Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ducks in a row...

Well, with the help of some friends David and I were able to get our ducks in a row last night.

All our Washington documents will be in Olympia for authentication / certification within the next week.

New requests for birth certificates and marriage certificate are being mailed out tomorrow, then once they come back - Minnesota's Birth Cert needs to go to the Consulate Chicago for authentication and California Birth Certificate and marriage Certificate go to the Consulate in San Francisco for authentication. All our cover letters are ready to go too!

We completed the filling out of the 1-800 and should have that off within a week or so or at least by the 15th. That will take 30 days to process.

Once all out documents are back from authentication and we receive our 1-800 approval...we will have overcome yet another huge hurdle.

God's timing is perfect and His plans for our lives never change. When we get overwhelmed and get off track, He guides us back into the light and He brings the right people along side you to help keep you going.

This was in my devotional today , pretty neat. "Through many channels My help can flow. I am your supply."

Thank you all for your prayers and for your loving support!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Game Plan

David and I went through all the adoption paperwork and formulated a game plan with a time frame for logging into China. We didn't go with the Great Wall's Dossier Service in a effort to save money but at the same time I wish we did. This is all quite overwhelming and its been easy to lose ground and get discouraged.

Because our schedules are so full, compiling our dossier was just one of those things I found that we needed more support with...more than expected and I tried doing it all myself since this kind of thing is usually a strong point for me. NOT! Anyway God is gracious and we will see what we can accomplish Tuesday and keep you all posted.

I was able to find several more possibilities for grants but a few of them require quite a bit of paper work themselves so...keep us in prayer with this too, we want to keep our eye on the ball....

The gift of new life...

Congratulations Tom and LaTisha!

Caleb James Wood
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 7:01am
9 lbs. 3oz. 20 in.

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Summer is gone!

Wow...been a while since we've even looked at our blogs....The Lord has richly belssed us this summer....My brother visited for a week, Mom visited for 6 weeks, we were able to get away to the Oregon Coast and stay with family, David did Jr. High Summer Camp, filling orders for 22 Eva's Bags, two baby showers and everything else in between!

Now everyone has gone home, the sand is emptied out of our suitcases and all is setting back into some semblance of normal, whatever that is.

Please keep us in prayer for direction with our adoption. We feel we need to make some decisions.... on exactly how we are to move forward with adopting a baby. We are also reviewing grant programs, etc.

Lead us on Sovereign Shepherd, You are God on high and you see all. You know the distance between what can be seen and understood to where the road turns and the remaining journey seems a mystery but that distance is filled with you. You give us the desires that we have in our hearts.... Lord we want your will and you are working in our hearts, I know and in the midst of uncertainty we praise you God for your faithfulness in all things. Amen.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers