Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seattles China Town

July 16 - 18
Took a little trip to Seattle to visit Tommie and had a great time visiting China Town!

Getting ready to board water taxi from west seattle to the waterfront downtown

Enjoying the water taxi ride!

China Town Martial Arts  Demonstration - VERY crowded

Martial Arts performaces were set to the beat of traditional drum  and cymbal!

Community Prosperity Wall Mural

Amazing art from fruit - smelle and looked delish. It was hot out!

Caligrapher Don Lee painting Eva's n. A friend tells us it really reads - Little Flower - Sweet!
A gift from Tommie!

Refreshments at a Vital Tea - Chinese Tea House  -
This was so fabulous...my favorite! You can just sit and taste different teas, learn about the importance of
tea in the chinese culture, pick up Mandarin and shop thier tea and wares. A fabulous time!
Yak Booties for Eva -  hand made from sheeps wool by women in rural south western China.
I could not pass these up!

Having Fun!

We also visited Uwajimaya...a huge treasure trove Asian market. They had everything under the sun and we loaded up on the goods. Mmmm.... sushi, seaweed and fish ball feast!
 Was awesome!   http://www.uwajimaya.com/
Daisypath Anniversary tickers