David and I reached another important phase in our adoption journey! We were able to submit our first adoption agency program fee and will be assigned a dossier consultant at Great Wall any day now. The dossier consultant will expertly guide us through the dossier phase...the "dossier" is a set of appropriately authenticated and translated legal documents that are used in international adoption cases for the adoptive parents to obtain the legal custody or guardianship of the child in the foreign court, so the child can be brought by the adoptive parents to the United States for adoption. David and I have been gathering all the necessary documents required for our dossier and are working with our social worker on our home study. So once we have all the documents together ( many of which will be collected and reviewed during the Home Study) they will go to the state and national capital for authentication and on to China with our 2nd program fee. This must be completed within 6 months in order for the Chinese government to accept our authenticated documents. So for us, that means we have to have our dossier to China no later than September 3rd. So, please continue to pray for the Lords provision in this.
We also got our Washington, California, Minnesota and South Dakota Background checks back and our FBI background check came back...all squeaky clean!
Whats next? We have our health physicals scheduled for this Friday...then we start our meetings with our social worker!