Friday, July 31, 2009

His Eye Is On The Sparrow...

Seems like these last few weeks have been pretty quiet as far as activity on the adoption front. Our schedules have gotten pretty busy - we are preparing for mom and Chris' visit...they arrive August 5th and then we have our upcoming road trip to the Oregon coast to stay with family for a week at the end of August. So in waiting on the next step, I got that ever encouraging call from Corntey today. She asked how we were doing and if we needed anything. I just told her I had no idea what to do next and the more I looked at the dossier guide to figure it out, the more confused I got so I just felt the right thing to do was to just stop and wait, so we've just been waiting, for her call I guess! Thank you Lord. I got some clarification on the next step(s).
~ We need to file our I-800 as quickly as possible because it takes about a month to get a response. So we are saving and fundraising for this fee...its a big one.
~ In the mean time we need to get our documents authenticated through the appropriate state authorities before the end of September. The authentication is about $20 per page...we have many pages of paperwork so we are saving for this too.

I think it's time to start looking into some programs to see if we can qualify for grants / financial aide for some of these upcoming expenses so we can keep on moving! I know that any quiet time in this process has a purpose and we must trust in God and wait on Him but its hard to wait without getting lost in that, especially since the wait seems so long anyway. It's only been 5 months!!

Please continue to keep us in prayer. The Lord has not failed to provide for us thus far and we are very excited and encouraged by all the support and all the ways He has shown us that we are on the right path and in His will, He is faithful!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers