Monday, January 11, 2010

Approval Notice!

Look what was in the mailbox when I got home!  We received our I-800A Notice of Approval
from USCIS today. This means we've met the eligibility and suitability requirements as adoptive parents of a child that is being adopted under the Hague Convention and are approved to proceed with the adoption process with the Hague Convention country we have requested.
This letter is the last of the paper work necessary to complete our dossier file. We are now ready to send it off to China as soon as we raise $3,500... our deadline is April 1, 2010.

We will be fine...we have to be right? The Lord has brought us this far....He is faithful!

  "In all these things we are more than conquerers through him who loves us".
Romans 8:37
Daisypath Anniversary tickers