How our journey begins...As newlyweds in 2004, David and I sought out international adoption for the very first time. International adoption from China was for us, was a simple choice...the only choice. We interviewed several agencies and attended seminars and although our hearts were in the right place, the financial undertaking seemed totally impossible for us at the time...so we let it alone and got on with our new life together. David and I never really felt an innate desire to have biological children of our own, so we put "family" on the back burner...God had other things in mind for us.
In July of 2006 we made the decision to relocate from San Diego, CA to Spokane, WA. We needed a change of pace and a change of scenery. There were many reasons...a few of the major ones: We wanted a change in lifestyle ans scenery, we wanted to find a small church where we could get involved in ministry and fellowship, I needed a change in careers, our commutes were awful and we wanted to buy a home with a the big yard that we could afford. We hit the road for Spokane by the end of October 06', headed North and we have taken the love and well wishes of our family and friends with us...We love you all very much!
Since moving to Spokane the Lord has done some amazing and dramatic work our in our lives, as husband and wife and as individuals. We are very involved in our church, David teaches the Jr. High Youth Group and Sunday School, I have a small administrative role in the church as well, we each attend small group studies and the Lord has even allowed us to lead a Couples Study! The Lord has also extended our family by bringing some amazing people into our lives so between our family and friends, our cups run over! And best of all...our desire for a family has grown. Still overwhelmed by the cost of adoption, we tried a few workarounds...after several trips to the doctor, it became more evident that this path was wrong for us and perhaps we were just trying to avoid the cost of adoption and the huge leap of faith that we knew it would require. So, here we are five years later...and our desire to have a family and adopt a baby girl from China as only grown. The financial mountain in front of us is no smaller than it was before...we are just approaching that mountain better equipped spiritually to climb it, waiting to see what the Lord is going to do!
You are welcome to join us on this journey of Faith, Hope and Love....