My friend Heather introduced me to a friend of hers named Teri. Teri makes lovely hand crafted jewelry. Teri recently began having "trunk" shows from her home and inviting other crafters to display thier items too. Items like clothing, scrapbook supplies, fabulous paper crafts, Scentsy Candles, lotions and cosmetics, etc. So, my friend Tish and I met Teri on Sunday, December 6th. We knew we were at the right house becuase it was the only one in the enire neighborhood with over a dozen cars parked out front with people coming a going. We made our way into this lovely home and mingled around checking everything out, ( awesome stuff!) meeting several ladies before making our way to the room where Teri was. I showed her several Eva's Bags ( already sold ) and she really liked them. I left her an Eva Tag and that evening an e-mail from Terri invited me to sell Eva's Bags at her next boutique on December 20th! Whoa! AWESOME, right?!
But I already told myself I could not do it ...10 days to prepare and with 10 orders pending. I wasn't sure.... but after talking it over with mom, she thought I should go for it...even if I only have two bags to sell, go and get the word out, hand out cards, flyers, etc. So all of the orders I have do not have a Christmas deadline / rush and the women have been very gracious....God bless all of you!
So I took a vacation day today to work on some prep for what I hope to be 10 medium bags. What doesn't get done, doesn't get done. But if I sew a bag a day....we might pull it off! I am excitied to see what the Lord will do!
Please keep Evas Bag's in prayer...all the glory to the Most High for all the success this fundraiser has had and the opportunities to come!
We're workin' on it Eva!