Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Prayer for China!

There is nothing new to report on the adoption front but I wanted to post this and ask for your prayers for the people of Jiegu, in the Qinghai province of China. Thier world was rocked by a devastating 6.9 magnitue earthquake on Wednesday, April 14th.  (24 hours ago in China).
Over 500 dead and about 10 thousand inured. China has the resources needed to bring aid and conduct recovery and rescue efforts but getting the necessary supplies and equipment to the area is a challenge...power has been shut down, airport and roads in ruins....please lift them up in prayer!
Read more on CNN.

Qinghai Province

Population: 5 million
People: 44 ethnic groups, including Tibetans and Mongols
Average elevation: More than 3,000 meters (9,842 feet) COLD!!!above sea level
Geography: Qilian Mountains, the Qingnan Plateau and the source of the Yangtze, Mekong and Yellow rivers
GDP: US $3.2 billion; average
GDP per capita US $639
Industries: Agriculture, hydropower, oil and natural gas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers